Bad or unwanted things can happen in life that make us feel sad. Eventually though, we forget the sadness and begin to enjoy the good things in our lives once again. Depression however, is a prevailing sensation that there is nothing to feel good about. It can be said to be a weight on one's mind that efficiently kills desire, joy or motivation. This, leaving you within a shell of sadness and anxiety, where dark thoughts prevail with no discernable way to lift the weight from your soul.
Depression can sometimes be a symptom of another condition, like Bipolar disorder or Postpartum blues. Other times, it can be a result of extreme stress, personal loss, trauma or deliberating conditions.
Depression can also occur in episodes without any particular concrete trigger being the cause. Situations or issues that you are normally able to tackle become overwhelming.
You may feel unable to perform normal day to day activities and seek isolation in a desire to curl into a ball (literally and emotionally). Hobbies that you would normally enjoy (online video games, cycling, a night out with friends, etc) are no longer enjoyable. One may also experience loss of appetite or begin overeating. Insomnia may follow or oversleeping. Most suicides have their roots in long term depression.
The timeframe in which depression lasts can vary from individual to individual. Depression lasting more than 2 weeks is generally termed clinical depression. In the US statistics have shown that almost 15% of the population will experience depression in their life. Depression may be brief, or long lasting. Treatments often include Medication, Counselling, or both.
However, there is a lot you can do yourself to help alleviate depression. Here are a few tips to help you get through.
Usually, the prime directive of depression is to keep you down and ensure you stay down. So, it's often best to go against the feeling. Of course, you'll have to start small on account of how overwhelming depression can be. It's important what you're doing is productive to yourself. Going to work when you hate your job doesn't count. Let's say you prepared a To-do list earlier, but you've been unable to get to it for a while now. Item says to do the dishes, you can start by simply arranging the plates in the dish water, take a moment and allow yourself to feel good about that progress, before slowly moving on. You're like an Athlete who's suffered an injury but is in therapy and is slowing getting back the use of his limbs.
Depression breeds a sea of unpleasant thoughts (I am the worst screw up, why me, My life feels so empty). Memories are skewered and ones outlook on life generally takes a turn for the worse. I've found that walking sometimes has a way of bringing you to calm reality and reducing the volume of toxic thoughts. It can be a walk in the park, sidewalk or even a garden.
A new hobby, event or activity. Anything, as long as it involves people and isn't a normal part of your schedule. It could be volunteering, a concert or even the theater.