Anxiety (and fear) is a mental condition that may help an individual accomplish goals or overcome dangerous situations. An anxiety disorder occurs when there is a regular heightened sense of fear.
These anxiety attacks rob its victims of the ability to function properly. In a worst-case scenario, anxiety makes the individual a shell of their personality. Thus, making the individual isolate themselves from society.
Among the many techniques used to control anxiety, breathwork is one of the most widely accepted. Breathwork is the practice of intentionally breathing to control your response to fear. As you do this exercise, your body initiates a relaxation process which will pull you out of that frenzied and terrified state.
You might be saying that breathing is easy but do you know that there is a right way to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon(IV) oxide? According to the American Lung Association (ALA), many people do not follow the right way to breathe.
In addition to this, the National Institute of Health also informs us that as we grow older, especially during our late 20s, our lung capacity and function gradually reduce. So, you can see that the average person needs to pay attention to their breathwork.
There are various breathwork exercises and not all of them will suit your needs. So, the services of a breathwork coach are needed to navigate the different breathwork exercises. A competent breathwork coach picks the appropriate breathwork task and guides you on how to execute it efficiently.
Benefits of a breathwork coach and breathwork
1. Access to the most effective breathwork exercise
Since not everyone is using the right organs to breathe and each breathing routine uses different body organs. A breathwork coach will be beneficial here, they will show you the right muscles and organs to use and how to use them.
As they guide you through this routine, they will also correct your mistakes. In addition to this, recalling the voice of your coach giving you breathing instructions might help boost your stabilization process.
2. Regulate mood
The main objective of breathwork is to bring a disoriented person back to a place of stability. As you carry out your exercises, you control your blood pressure and heart rate which will eventually relax your body. So, any agitation or stress you might be feeling calmly retreats into the background.
3. Sharpen attention
While your body is in a fight or flight mode, you ignore many important details. However, when you focus on yourself and do your breathing routine, you bring the focus back to you. You become more mindful of your breath, your emotions, the nature of your environment and how it affects you.
4. Manage pain
Pain makes you use your chest, shoulders and neck to breathe instead of your belly, diaphragm and intercostal muscles. As you breathe deeply and use your belly and other organs, your pain will be more controllable.
5. Improves body functioning
Your breath work allows you to optimally use your oxygen. As your body takes in oxygen through this method, your respiratory health improves. You gain more control of your limbs and improve sleep quality.